Title: Hotel options

Here is a selection of hotels and inns within and near Würzburg

Display the location for the hotels and the special event on Saturday, 18.09.2010 on a larger map.

The red symbol marks our company's headquarters (Open House will take place here on 17.09.2010, along with a guided tour of the glassworks on 18.09.2010)

The blue symbol marks the Residenz / Fürstensaal (the experts' colloquium will take place here on 18.09.2010); the green symbol marks the Bürgerspital (the location of the special evening event on 18.09.2010)

The violet/purple symbols mark the locations for the special cultural events on 19.09.2010.

To be able to take full advantage of our special event, we recommend to you the following hotels or inns within walking distance, in the downtown are

Slightly farther from the centre of the Old Town yet still in the vicinity of Würzburg, you will find the following hotels and Gasthäuser/Gasthöfe/Pensionen (inns):

Here, you will find a link to the public-transport operator Würzburger Verkehrs Verbund.

If you have any further questions, please contact us by phone at +49-931/60096-0 or by e-mail.


Hotels in der Innenstadt und Veranstaltungsort Samstag 18.09.2010 auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen


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