Title: Church light fixtures

Examples and suggestions for sacral spaces

Particularly in sacral objects, one must take panstaking care in the course of light planning. These spaces have their own atmosphere - which sometimes is veritably mystical. Too much emphasis on the mere aspect of light-engineering data can damage or even destroy the atmosphere and architecture of a sacral space. In buildings under monument conservation, a main priority is the minimisation of invasive procedures which affect the structural substance. In most cases, the lighting should not be in the foreground, but instead "blend in" to the setting as a whole. Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly significant that not only various forms of worship service take place along with the typical service during the liturgical year, but that church spaces are also utilised for concerts, readings, exhibitions and many other special events. Therefore, the answer to questions on forms one of the focal points of our work. In our Product search, you can, in the section ""Keyword Search"" have the corresponding light fixtures displayed by inputting the first letters of the international illuminants identifiers for energy-saving bulbs (i.e. TC or HIT – currently, the database only shows a selection of items in our product line.

Lutheran church Berndorf
Lutheran church Berndorf
Campo Santo Teutonico, Città del Vaticano
Campo Santo Teutonico, Città del Vaticano
Catholic church in Burgoberdorf
Catholic church in Burgoberdorf
Lutheran-Methodist church Berlin
Lutheran-Methodist church Berlin

In unserem Program bieten wir Ihnen eine sehr große Bandbreite an Leuchten mit den verschiedensten Leuchtmitteln um für die unterschiedlichen Anforderungen Ihrer vielfältigen Objekte die geeignete Leuchte anbieten zu können.

  • LED-Platinen
  • LED-Fadenlampen
  • TC-D, TC-L, T 16, TC-TEL...
  • QT 32, QT 16, QT 14...
  • QPAR 51, QR-CBC 51, QPAR...
  • QT-DE 11/12...

So können Sie die unterschiedlichsten Anforderungen im Bezug auf Energieeffizienz, Beleuchtungsanforderung und Lichtwirkung aus einer Hand realisieren. Unser Aussendienst zeigt Ihnen gerne wie.

Beispiele & Anregungen für sakrale Räume

Leuchten mit energiesparenden Lampen finden Sie ganz einfach in unserer Produktsuche, in dem Sie "TC", "HIT" etc. im Feld "Stichwortsuche" eingeben. Bitte beachten Sie, dass aktuell nicht nicht alle Leuchten in der Datenbank enthalten sind.

Interessante Objektvorstellungen finden Sie auch auf unserer neuen Seite Leuchtenmanufaktur.de im Bereich "sakrale Räume". Hier finden Sie auch Beispiele mit unseren neuen LED-Leuchten.

Weitere Informationen zum Thema sinnvolle Beleuchtung finden Sie auch im Bereich Lichtplanung.


ev. Kirche Berndorf
ev. Kirche Berndorf
Campo Santo Teutonico, Città del Vaticano
Campo Santo Teutonico, Città del Vaticano
kath. Kirche in Burgoberdorf
kath. Kirche in Burgoberdorf
evang.-meth. Kirche Berlin
evang.-meth. Kirche Berlin

These raised standards require adaptable lighting. If the lighting is closely associated with the architecture and furnishings of a building, yet the necessity has arisen to make this lighting more efficient and more up-to-date, one must also consider whether it is practical to modify the existing light fixtures.

Based on our many decades of experience in the area of restoration, we have this sensitivity and fine-tuned perception when it comes to dealing with historical buildings.

The use of up-to-date, multi-functional light fixtures is a task often faced, particularly in dealing with modern sacral structures. In this context, we can offer you the most diverse solutions and also further develop them to suit your requirements. Our spectrum of services is completed by our diverse chandelier types which can be custom-made for your church.


Deißlingen-Lauffen, Catholic church St. Georg
Deißlingen-Lauffen, Catholic church St. Georg
Halle, Michaelskapelle on the Moritzburg
Halle, Michaelskapelle on the Moritzburg
Poschiavo (CH) Catholic church
Poschiavo (CH) Catholic church

We offer you – in addition to consultation based on our experience, custom light planningalong with the associated calculations, and take into account your own requests and requirements. Please contact us.

We look forward to working with you.


Berlin Tegel - Catholic church Herz Jesu
Berlin Tegel - Catholic church Herz Jesu
Diessenhofen (CH) - Catholic church
Diessenhofen (CH) - Catholic church
Essen - Chapel in the Franziskushaus
Essen - Chapel in the Franziskushaus
Gernach - Catholic church St. Ägidius
Gernach - Catholic church St. Ägidius

To top

Hankensbüttel - Lutheran church St. Pankratius
Hankensbüttel - Lutheran church St. Pankratius
Lienz (A) - Catholic church St. Andrä
Lienz (A) - Catholic church St. Andrä
Meißen - Catholic church St. Benno
Meißen - Catholic church St. Benno
Meschede - Catholic collegiate church St. Walburg
Meschede - Catholic collegiate church St. Walburg
Weerberg (A) - Catholic church
Weerberg (A) - Catholic church

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